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F-L-Y Tour & Congress   Il tuo partner ideale a 360°
Hotel Santa Chiara - Chianciano Terme    
Hotel Santa Chiara a modern home at panoramic place with see sight. Not far from city center and Chianciano Spa. All the 108 rooms have all comfort.

Congress room, hall, playroom, TV room and a big parking are only some of hotels facility. A typical food is for our clients usually.

Of course one of the best hotels in Chianciano for people that be carefull of quality and price is.
F-L-Y Tourism Marketing F-L-Y Tourism Marketing F-L-Y Tourism Marketing F-L-Y Tourism Marketing
F-L-Y Tourism Marketing
F-L-Y Tourism Marketing
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  Info +39.0578.60291  
  © F-L-Y Franco Lazzari Yes Tour & Congress s.r.l. - 53042 Chianciano Terme (Siena - Italy ) - Viale G. Di Vittorio, 192 - Tel. +39 0578.60291 - Fax +39 0578.891019 -
Dati Aziendali

Franco Lazzari Yes Tour & Congress s.r.l.


Sede Legale:
Viale G. Di Vittorio, 192
53042 Chianciano Terme (Siena) Italy

Registro delle Imprese di Siena N.128919

Capitale Sociale € 10000,00

P.I. 01206170522

  organizzazione meeting - travel event - team event - corporate event - promotion marketing - evento aziendale - tour incentive - viaggio incentive - adventure team incentive - evento incentive  